
Regular functions.


<void> ExunysDeveloperESP.WrapPlayers(<void>)

Wraps every player in the game.


<void> ExunysDeveloperESP.Load(<void>)

Wraps every player in the game and renders a crosshair. Note: You cannot call this function twice. More optimized option, equivalent to ExunysDeveloperESP() which uses a __call metamethod (because the environment is a table).


<void> ExunysDeveloperESP.RenderCrosshair(<void>)

Draws the Exunys ESP crosshair.


<void> ExunysDeveloperESP.RemoveCrosshair(<void>)

Removes the drawn Exunys ESP crosshair. Note: You cannot call this function if there is no crosshair loaded.


<boolean> Success | ExunysDeveloperESP.UnwrapPlayers(<void>)

Unwraps every player that is wrapped in the game.


<table> Entry | ExunysDeveloperESP.GetEntry(<Instance> Object[, <string> Hash])

Miscellaneous function, returns the entry of the specified Object (player or part) which contains core information of the wrapped object like the assigned hash, rig type, name / pseudo name, visuals (render objects), render flags / checks etc. It is more recommended you use the second parameter, Hash, for more precise results. If no entry is found, the function will return nil, example:

ExunysDeveloperESP.GetEntry(nil, Hash) --> <table/nil> Entry / nil 

This function could be used for changing some specifics like the allowed visuals table.

Note: The allowed visuals table is only used for when it renders the visual, they do not get used while the visual updates.

At the current state for the beta release, this function does not serve a lot of use and if you rewrite any of the pointers, the connections might start to malfunction and show inaccurate results for positions, names, size snapping and etc.

For now, you can only change the render distance of the entry with this function with the following example:

ExunysDeveloperESP.GetEntry(Hash).RenderDistance = 500


<void> ExunysDeveloperESP.UnwrapObject(<Instance> Object, <string> Hash)

Note: For maximal precision, parse a hash when calling this function. This function unwraps the wrapped entry which gets identified by the parsed Object or Hash, meaning it destroys every visual and removes them from the entries table. Example code:

    local Hash = ExunysDeveloperESP.WrapObject(workspace.Part, "Cool Part", {Tracer = false}, 500))
    task.delay(5, function()


<table> New environment | ExunysDeveloperESP.UpdateConfiguration(<table> DeveloperSettings, <table> Settings, <table> Properties)

This function is used as an auxillary function for the LoadConfiguration and SaveConfiguration methods. Isn't useful for any user occasions since you can just modify the settings yourself by setting a new index. Example:

ExunysDeveloperESP.Properties.Crosshair.Rotate = true

Last updated